IMPRESSUM: Responsible is Ivo FRANZ , Ruhrstr. 3 - D - 45468 Mülheim

About RuhrGalleryMülheim and MMKM-Museum Ruhrstr.3

The Galerie an der Ruhr / RuhrGalleryMülheim is an art gallery located in Mülheim an der Ruhr, a city in the western part of Germany upon river Ruhr. The gallery was founded in 2012 and is known for exhibiting contemporary art by both established and emerging artists.

The gallery's exhibition program includes a wide range of media, including painting, sculpture, photography, installation, and video art. The gallery also hosts various events such as artist talks, panel discussions, and workshops to promote dialogue and engagement with contemporary art.
Overall, the Galerie an der Ruhr / RuhrGalleryMülheim aims to support and promote innovative and thought-provoking art that reflects current social and cultural issues.

Galerie an der Ruhr / RuhrGalleryMülheim features a variety of art forms, including painting, sculpture, photography, and installations. They organize solo and group exhibitions throughout the year, and their program aims to present a diverse range of artistic expressions and ideas. 

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